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Zombie Ant

Issue 0

Owner - Publisher

Patricia Lord

Editorial Board

Maggi Milton

Michelle Weidman

Contributing Writers


Colin James

Patricia Lord

Alice Porembski

J.X. Villegas

Michelle Weidman

Contributing Artist


Patricia Lord

Alice Porembski

J.X. Villegas

Michelle Weidman

Zombie Ant publishes thought-provoking content, on purpose; thoughts aren't provoked reading the obvious or mundane. All opinions are opinions. If you don't agree with an opinion, write a counterpoint. Articles are labeled as investigative work, opinion, fiction, satire, etc. in very small print at the top left of every article, in case it's not obvious what you're reading. Investigative articles and other pieces where authorship information is necessary for credibility will always be published with verified bylines. Works of fiction, satire, and poetry, etc. may or may not be credited with verified names or any names. 


Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis and must be the intellectual property of the person submitting the piece or with permission in writing; original; explicitly and obviously relevant to the Northstate (Chico and north; Nevada border to coast); interesting; well-written; and, if relevant, factually defensible. Otherwise, don't bother submitting.


Inquiries can be made by contacting


Zombie Ant: A Thought You Cannot Control

Photo: Happy Camp. July 26, 2019

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